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In fact, it can be cathartic and life-changing-- if your search team has the right permissions and resources to set it up to bloom. But only an interrogative leader can deliver these. My new book, "Enquire to Inspire: 20 Questions to Mentor Your Innovation Team to Success" will free you from the burden of directive management for the satisfaction of mentoring through questions; and it will free your team from those management constraints that limited the quality of their work-- and their lives.
With this book you will:
Click on the below thumbnails of the book covers and contents to enlarge.
Today’s successful search teams counter ambiguity with the tools and
behaviors of startups: they move fast, convert learnings to actionable
insights, then turn those insights into right-sized prototypes to test
assumptions of customer behaviors. But new ways of working require new
Today’s leader must have all the right questions, not the right answers.
Through those questions, the leader opens up the team to a world of
possibilities, and bestows the permission essential to transcend the
pedestrian and embrace the extraordinary.
This book is the guide for emerging leaders to confidently let go of
managing teams to static outputs, and – instead – efficiently mentor them to
customer-driven, dynamic outcomes. To this end, the book is short; at 106
pages, and to the point:
Our story opens on a team of passionate knowledge workers, toiling away on projects that lack meaning. Their spirits crushed after years of building solutions without true understanding. Suddenly, a mentor arrives to lead them on a journey of discovery. Armed with questions instead of answers, this sponsor helps the team fall in love with the problem, not the solution.
They observe customers in the wild to uncover insights about motivations and needs. Failures provide valuable lessons as they test assumptions through rapid experiments. Surprises reveal they are on the right track. The team synthesizes learnings into an evolving understanding of the customer and their struggle. They recommend next steps based on real evidence, not biases.
As the solution takes shape, new challenges emerge around feasibility and integration. With care, new players are onboarded, responsibilities transitioned. Our team struggles to find closure as their creation leaves the nest. But their patron reminds them of all they've accomplished. Their passions are reignited for the next adventure.
In the end, the mentor
realizes it is not answers, but the right questions that empower people to
find their own solutions. Mastery is never finished, there are always new
perspectives. By lifting up others, we rise together.
Chapter 1: The book introduces the concept of mentoring innovation teams
through asking questions rather than providing answers. The author explains
his passion for helping teams embrace ambiguity and drive customer value. He
describes the transformational impact of good mentors who build trust.
Chapter 2: This chapter advocates for bringing in an experienced coach to
support the team's methods and the sponsor's transition to mentor. It
discusses common problems teams face without a coach. Coaches accelerate
learning, focus teams, and help optimize team and sponsor interactions.
Chapter 3: Effective sponsors assemble cross-functional teams, establish
environments of trust and psychological safety, help set team scope and
direction, provide resources, and advocate for the team. They mentor through
enquiry, not advocacy. Sponsors support the team's development and mediate
Chapter 4: Asking "how do you know?" prompts teams to validate assumptions
and learn deeply about customers through observation and experiments.
Insights fuel prototypes to test value delivery. Failures provide learning.
Surprises indicate the team is doing something right.
Chapter 5: Sponsors help teams derive meaning from data through actionable
insights. Experiments test risky assumptions about customer behaviors. Teams
refine their value proposition and recommend next steps based on evidence.
Chapter 6: Consider viability, integrate new resources carefully, understand
assumptions around scaling, and plan for transition of ownership. Help the
team handle the emotions around project conclusion.
Chapter 7: Keep effective teams together. Reflect on what worked well and
have frank discussions about improvements. Publicly recognize team
accomplishments. Understand motivations as you identify the next challenge.
Chapter 8: Find a mentor, mentor someone else, involve your team in your
learning journey. Ask good questions. Help people unlock their potential.
Stay passionate about driving customer value.
Appendices: Team Interaction Planning: This provides a 3-step guide for
sponsors to plan interactions with the team - connect with the coach ahead
of time to understand current status, meet with the team and coach to ask
focused questions based on that understanding, then follow up with the coach
to get feedback on how the interaction went. Suggested Reading: A list of
books and online resources related to innovation, design thinking, lean
startup, agile, customer insight, and team development. Each has a brief
note on its relevance.
For personal or media inquiries or for non-US orders and deliveries, please contact:
Enquire to Inspire: 20 Questions to Mentor Your Innovation Team to Success © 2023, Bill Murray. 106 pages, softcover.